Plants For Sale

When I plant for my garden and high tunnel (greenhouse) I start from seed. I pot with 20% earthworm castings and potting soil with mycorrhiza

Current Sale List 4/12/19


Shishito Peppers (open pollinated)

Early Jalapenos (open pollinated)

Orange Spice Jalapenos (open pollinated) Only moderately spicy

Purple Jalapenos (open pollinated)

Anaheim- mild heat

Chocolate Bell- sweet and dark

Big Tomatoes (grafted 1 gal pot)

San Marzano

German Johnson


Big Tomatoes (grafted 4″ pot)

Cherokee Purple

Cherokee Chocolate (Cherokee Purple but darker)

Brandywine (Suddeth’s Strain)- A great tasting tomato that is pink in color

German Johnson

San Marzano (sauce/ large roma size and shape)

Mortgage Lifter

Dr Wyche’s Yellow

Big Tomatoes (not grafted 4″ pot)

Dr Wyche’s Yellow- A big yellow fruit

Cherokee Purple- A little bit darker than average red tomato. Great flavor

Cherokee Chocolate- A dark version of Cherokee Purple

German Johnson- A southern favorite makes lots of big roundish tomatoes that are a little pinkish.


Rosita Purple
Lovely 8”x4” neon, lavender-pink fruit has a mild, sweet, white flesh. The skin is tender and not bitter. Produces excellent yields.

Sets fruit two weeks earlier. Lavender flowers produce clusters of elongated fruits marked by white stripes. Best harvested 4″ long by 1 3/4″ across for sweet, bitter-free, nearly seedless eating. (hybrid)


Pickler’s Pride (bush/container)

Miscellaneous (4″ pots)

Yellow Squash (hybrid)- vigorous plant- produces well

Bottle/Birdhouse Gourds- grow well with large white flowers.

Purple Coneflower (Echinacea)- Pretty purple flowers. Come back year after year. Bees and butterfly love them. Get out your camera. Has medicinal uses too.

Globe Artichokes – 1st year plants will produce next year if protected from freeze

Marigolds- larger bush version repels bugs and edible too. Good to plant in between tomatoes to repel root knot nematodes